Warning (512): SplFileInfo::openFile(/var/www/html/app/tmp/cache/cake_site_settings): failed to open stream: Permission denied [CORE/Cake/Cache/Engine/FileEngine.php, line 364]
Warning (512): SplFileInfo::openFile(/var/www/html/app/tmp/cache/cake_site_settings) [<a href='http://php.net/splfileinfo.openfile'>splfileinfo.openfile</a>]: failed to open stream: Permission denied [CORE/Cake/Cache/Engine/FileEngine.php, line 364]
Warning (512): default cache was unable to write 'site_settings' to File cache [CORE/Cake/Cache/Cache.php, line 327]
All about Australian visa, migration, and education support group | mooDating - The Complete Solution for Social Network & Dating Site Combine


Public (anyone can view and join)
It’s an open place where all Australian Visa holders and future applicants can communicate and educate about migration regulations, policies, and changes to migration law.
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People can have various pathways to Australian PR, therefore discussion about skilled visas only seems to be a limitation.
We decided to extend the topic from skilled visa to skilled, business, family and student visas.
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